Over 35 years.
Midnight Sun Outfitting Ltd. is family owned and operated by Jessica and Logan Young. Previously, their father Alan Young had been guiding and outfitting for over 30 years and owned the outfitting concession. Alan started guiding and outfitting in the 80’s owning outfitting concessions in Southern and Northern B.C., then finally in the Yukon Territory. Midnight Sun Outfitting has been operating in the Northern Yukon since 1998. The Young family moved from Pink Mountain in Northern BC to the Yukon in 1998. We are passionate about the animals we live alongside and the hunting lifestyle of an outfitting family. It would be an understatement to say that the family's passion is making the clients’ dreams and hunting goals a reality!
Midnight Sun Outfitting is a first-class hunting and premium wilderness tourism operation. We specialize in authentic Dall sheep, Fannin sheep, Alaskan-Yukon moose, Mountain caribou, Barren Ground caribou, interior grizzly and wolf hunts in the pristine, remote parts of the Yukon Territory of Canada.
Midnight Sun Outfitting strives to offer the highest quality experiences. In 2010 the Young family won the Wild Sheep Foundation’s “Frank Golata Outstanding Outfitter of the Year” for exceptional outfitting and conservation demonstrated. Earlier, in 2008, the Young family was awarded an Endowment Fund Bronze for their contributions to wild sheep and habitats via the Wild Sheep Foundation. Not only has the outfit itself been honored with awards—the game harvested is some of the most impressive in the Yukon and North America. We have won countless Ram Awards at the Wild Sheep Foundation for Dall/Fannin sheep. For many years we have been fortunate enough to harvest the largest moose, sheep, caribou, and grizzly in the entire Yukon Territory. We are proud to offer you a hunt of a lifetime, and we welcome you to come to experience the "True North."
Interested in being part of the Midnight Sun Outfitting Team - drop us a line at midnightsunoutfitting@gmail.com.